Students Build Computers for Donation to Rural Schools Project

In an inspiring demonstration of community service and technical skill, students from the 71st Online Batch of the IMBS Green Campus Information Technology Diploma Course recently built computers to be donated to rural schools. This initiative, designed to close the digital gap and improve educational opportunities in underserved areas, took place at the IMBS Green Campus.

Empowering Through Technology

The project is part of IMBS Green Campus’s ongoing dedication to using technology for social good. Understanding the vital role of computer access in contemporary education, the students accepted the challenge of constructing and donating fully operational computer labs to rural schools that lack these resources.

Hands-On Learning Experience

On the assembly day, IMBS Green Campus buzzed with enthusiasm and teamwork. Under the guidance of their instructors, the students carefully assembled each computer, ensuring all components were properly installed and functioning. This hands-on project provided the students with practical experience, enhancing the theoretical knowledge gained from their Information Technology Diploma Course.